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About Me

Inês Santos

Hi! My name is Inês Santos and I'm Portuguese. 


I lived in Portugal with my family until 2014. At this time, I went to Belgium and did the IB in the Scandinavian School of Brussels until 2016. There, I developed my English and French skills and became friends with people from all over the world. It was an amazing experience that enabled me to grow.


Still in 2016, I decided to overcome some personal obstacles by moving in, alone, for the first time, to study in the Netherlands, in the University of Maastricht. I started to study International Business but the courses didn’t speak to me. So, I decided to come back to Portugal where I found a degree that I was really into. From 2017 until 2020, I took a degree in "Foreign Languages Applied to Business Relationships" in the Portuguese Catholic University, in Lisbon. Even though I loved the courses, the beginning of my academic journey in Lisbon wasn’t an easy one, due to my depression diagnosis. I had always suffered with anxiety but, until this time, I had never found a way to deal with it effectively. My closest family had stayed in Belgium, so I was feeling alone and lost in my emotional blocks.  I had to be followed by a psychologist and a psychiatrist, who helped me a lot in my recovery. 


The first time I heard about coaching was in the summer of 2020. After watching a few videos about it, I knew I not only needed to coach myself, but I also wanted to help others by coaching them. Being an admirer of Jay Shetty’s work, as soon as I found out that he had a coaching certification school, I knew this would be the right place to learn and become a certified coach. Since then, I have developed my skills, particularly in the areas of anxiety and mindset coaching. 


In my free time, I play soccer; workout; go for walks (in 2022, I did my first “Caminho de Santiago”, the most beautiful self-discovery trip I’ve ever experienced); sing; read and watch tv shows. 

Plant Shadow

Since I’ve discovered coaching, my goal had become to be able to deal with my anxiety in a more effective and healthier way. I have achieved my goal so now I’m here to help you achieve yours.


Jay Shetty Certified Life & Sucess Coach 2020
Jay Shetty Certification School Inês Santos
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